Tattersall Lorenz takes over property management of an additional Edmond de Rothschild REIM property

Tattersall Lorenz Immobilienverwaltung und -management GmbH (Tattersall Lorenz), an owner-operated SME property manager based in Berlin, has received a further instruction from Edmond de Rothschild Real Estate Investment Management (Edmond de Rothschild REIM). This follows an agreement concluded in spring 2020, which grants Tattersall Lorenz exclusivity for the property management of properties to be acquired by the Edmond de Rothschild REIM during the next three years.

The property is an office and commercial building at Dessauer Strasse 13-15 in Munich. It has a lettable area of around 5,600 square metres. Tenants including Robert Bosch GmbH and Gefasoft AG. The property includes 88 car parking spaces.

Susanne Tattersall, director of Tattersall Lorenz, comments: "We are delighted that this new property management instruction will further strengthen the agreement with Edmond de Rothschild REIM. We look forward to further collaboration with such an established European investment house.

Tattersall Lorenz is managing the property from its new Munich branch office, which opened in June 2020.